Olukemi Amala Psychotherapy in Manchester

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Olukemi Amala offers services to adults 18 years and above. To access the secure web based platform VSee you will need to download the latest VSee messenger app from the Google Play Store if using android devices (eg. phone, tablet). Alternatively if using an iOS device (e.g. iPhone or iPad), the VSee messenger app can be downloaded at the App Store. To find out more about VSee and best download options, go to: https://vsee.com

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Olukemi Amala works with individuals wishing to develop or increase self awareness to improve the quality of their lives. Unlike most psychotherapy and counselling which focuses on the interpersonal interaction and the individual's difficulties in social isolation (therefore ignoring the involvement of oppression, and other damaging forces in the lives of people), Olukemi Amala has a different approach.

Olukemi Amala positions the unequal social systems we all live within as important to the narratives and stories we tell about our ancestors, history, ourselves, our experiences and our lives. These unequal social systems affect what we are allowed and not allowed to expect from life. These social systems put people in certain boxes based on what is socially expected of their particular group. These stereotyped views and beliefs can define and imprison us, and the affects of this can often be experienced outside of our conscious awareness and affect our mental health and our choices. Unlike what society leads us to believe we do not live in a meritocracy where rewards are given equally based on effort. Those marginalised in society under the 4i's of oppression for example, have to work harder to acquire social approval often more easily accessed by dominant groups because we are continually under scrutiny under this weight of oppressive forces. Understanding the dynamics of these social forces in our problems and difficulties, alongside the use of more traditional psychotherapy and counselling approaches can often be a transforming experience. This approach to self understanding can offer a new way to consider life's damaging and painful events.

Learning new ways of negotiating life under oppression can open up alternative approaches for our continued growth, development, inner and outer stability of mind, and allowing us the opportunity to achieve what we need in our lives. Please contact by email to discuss your particular needs.


Olukemi Amala has been employed as a clinical supervisor to trainee and experienced counsellors and psychotherapists. She offer clinical supervision to experienced practitioners interested in exploring the dynamics of their interaction with clients in new ways that include the dynamics of oppression.

Please contact by email to discuss your needs.

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Olukemi Amala has developed the concept of 'panopticality' or 'development of the capacity to see oneself within social hierarchies'. Panopticality can be understood as a method of psychological self-surveillance. Panoptic awareness can be viewed as a process of understanding and reflection on our 'socially conditioned' beliefs and interrogating our conditioned social patterns and perspectives. From the vantage point of the socially conditioned self, panopticality offers new ways of training and education for both individuals and groups exploring oppression and implications of opppression for mental health practitioners including psychotherapy and counselling professionals.

Often mental health professionals know they experience difficulties when confronted with these issues of oppression, discrimination and prejudice in their work but often stumble through these encounters with no clear understanding of the dynamics they are experiencing or the best ways to integrate, process or utilise them in the understanding and planning of their work.

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Learning the capacity of self-surveilance.

It is important to appreciate that our different power positions within various social oppressions affects our viewpoints. Interestingly our roles as observer or observed fluctuates so that we can occupy the dominant position along one axis such as gender but may not under another axis such as class.

If you would like training/education to increase your understanding and competence in this area please contact by email and we can discuss your particular training needs.

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